Similar Game Links


Game info pages now have a similar game section. This section displays the same game cards as seen in the game list and suggested sidebar.

Game Info Links


I've changed the game cards to behave as links to game info pages to make it easier to store additional info for these games.

Adding To The New Website


I'm working on moving all of my game playable and download links to my new website. This will act like an archive of old projects but also the hub for more recent work (work of a "Thorn"y kind?

Getting Things Started


Ayy my personal website is here. You'll find lots of neat things on here. Mostly my games but also other fun info about my GitHub projects!



Armor items and images are now here!

Armor Slots


Inventory changes


Additional Attack Images


Character and Attack Images


I made improvements to attack ranges and animations. Also a small tweak, I made it so boots and gloves are hidden when swimming.

Character Images


First work at character images. Traditionally I'm, uh, terrible at character animations. As a compromise I decided to follow my usual art style of using polygons. I also split the characters head, shoulder, feet, and boot images. This way it would be easier for me to programmatically create character attack and movement animations.